Emergency Services

In case of emergency please contact our ambulance or fire brigade on 0779 474 527. Read more

Buying a stand in Chegutu

Chegutu Municipality sells both residential and commercial stands. The terms of purchase differ depending on the scheme available. Read more

Pay A/C or Check Balance

You can now check your balance or pay online using the link below. Pay or Check Balance

Mode of payments

Estates and Valuations

The Section was created in 2013 to account for Council’s estate portfolio. The section answers to the statutory dictates of Part XVIII (Valuation and Assessment of Property for Rating) and Part XIX (Rating of Property) of the Act.

The section is responsible for;

  1. Efficient and effective management of the Municipality’s commercial, industrial and institutional estate portfolio.
  2. Maintenance of the Waiting List for commercial, industrial and institutional stands applications.
  3. Allocation of commercial, industrial and institutional stands.
  4. Valuation of Council and private properties.
  5. Formulation of Council’s general valuation roll (GVR).
  6.  Presently, the Section is manned by the Valuations and Estates Officer and an Estates Clerk.


Procurement Section under the Chamber Secretary’s Department came into being at the beginning of 2015 primarily in the aftermath of the appointment of a Procurement Officer. The Section derives legal mandate from both the Urban Councils Act in general and, the Procurement Act [Cap. 22:14] as amended, in particular.

The section is responsible for;

  • Administering tenders.
  • Acquisition of goods and services for use by the Municipality’s departments in providing Council services and capital development to residents and ratepayers of Chegutu.
  • Maintenance of Suppliers’ lists.
  • Production and submission of quarterly procurement reports to the SPB.
  • Advising and guiding the Procurement Committee on relevant regulatory and policy changes and developments in the procurement sector and, in close liaison  with the State Procurement Board. 
  • The Section has only two officers, viz. the Procurement Officer and the Stores Controller.

Municipal Police

The Municipal Police section derives its formal mandate from the statutory provisions at Part VII (By-laws and Regulations) of the Act. The Municipal Police section derives its formal mandate from the statutory provisions at Part VII (By-laws and Regulations) of the Act. 

The section is responsible for;

  • Provision of security services at Municipal stations, installations and facilities.
  • Enforcement of all Council by-laws such as clamping offending vehicles, vendors markets, water and sewer by-laws.
  • Protection of Council assets, properties and resources, inclusive of human capital from harm, injury, theft, vandalism and general disturbance.
  • Ensuring orderliness in the Council area inclusive of regulating vending activities.
  • Presently, Council has a 38-strong municipal police force, while the ideal staff complement should be 48.

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Business Hours

We operate from Monday to Saturday

Monday--------- Friday 7:30 am to 4:30 pm

Saturday--------7:30 am to 12 pm

Lunch Hour----1:00 pm to 2 pm